The Bird Flu's Impact on Local Farms
By Destiney Alston
Carrollton, Ga. - Spring Break is approaching, giving students at UWG a chance to relax and soak up some sun. The break is from March 17 to March 21. Although students won’t have classes during this time, university offices will remain open. The Center for Student Involvement and Inclusion (CSII) will be having an Alternative Spring Break, providing students with volunteer opportunities. The first 10 applicants will have a chance to volunteer at the Good Samaritan Center in Douglasville, Ga. on March 17 and 18. Additionally, volunteers will have a chance to participate in Vertigo Fun Park. For more information, visit Alternative Spring Break - Events - UWG Calendar | UWG
By Kaelyn Olander
Carrollton, Ga. - The University of West Georgia's health department is seeing a rise in cases of Influenza, also known as the flu. A testing kiosk for COVID is the response of the university’s health center when COVID initially hit. This kiosk provides high sensitivity nasal swabs which are tested in the lab, with high-accuracy results expected within 24 to 48 hours. Located directly outside the health center, the testing location provides free tests to everyone for both the flu and COVID. It is open 24 hours a day, every day.
By Destiney Alston
Carrollton, Ga. - The School of Communication, Film, and Media held their 43rd Annual Media Day event in the Campus Center Ballrooms on March 5, 2025. Students had the opportunity to connect with over 50 industry professionals for networking and engaging discussions with alumni. The day started off with WRBL News 3 Anchor/ Reporter Teresa Whitaker as the keynote speaker. Her inspiring speech set the tone and kicked off the event with a great start. Following the keynote, participants engaged in table talks, a reception, and a networking session.
By Tamia Mack
Carrollton, Ga. - A new partnership brings Amazon Lockers to students, faculty, and staff. Not only are the lockers on campus, but they are in two convenient locations, outside the UWG Bookstore and the University Community Center (UCC). The new lockers are available now and allow for hassle-free returns and pickups. To have packages delivered to either locker, users must input the lockers’ names, “Stitcher” for the UCC and “Balsam” for the bookstore when selecting a locker delivery location on campus. Mail Services in the UCC are still available, however, these new lockers will provide more convenient options for Amazon users.
By Ian Van Brunt
Carroll County, Ga. - Animal shelters are contending with strays and overcrowding, so there are plenty of animals that are in need of a forever home. If you're thinking about adopting a stray animal, there are a few details you should know. First, if the animal has a tag, you need to call the number on the tag. If there's no tag, take the animal to the shelter to ensure it's not microchipped. If it's not, the animal is yours to adopt. For adoption, go to the animal shelter website at:
By Rachel Brown
Carrollton, Ga. - Students who need help with meeting their basic needs can access hygiene items for free at the Basic Needs Center. Located in the Health Services Building, the Basic Needs Center provides toiletry items to students in need in addition to food and school supplies. According to Chief Wellness Officer Bridgette Stewart, some common items that are available include feminine supplies, body wash, razors, and more. Some less obvious items available are laundry pods, dishwashing liquid, and fabric softener. Stewart also says, "We actually receive more toiletry and hygiene donations than anything else [but] there is always a need for more donations." For more information about donation items, visit
Jenkins graduated from the University of West Georgia in July 2014. During his time at UWG, his experience at the campus television station WUTV (formerly UTV-13) was instrumental in his career development. During this time he wore various hats, from news reporter to producer and video journalist. Currently, Jenkins is a digital copywriter at The Home Depot.